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Building Construction 2


Module Teaching Objectives


The teaching objectives of the module are:

1. To deepen students’ understanding of architectural theory through a consideration of intentions, concepts, patterns, disciplines, architectural language and contextual relationships.

2. To examine a detailed account of the principal developments in the western world from the Industrial Revolution to post-World War 2.


Module Learning Outcomes


Upon successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

1. Describe the development of the main strands of western architecture over the last 200 years.

2. Identify some of the issues involved in the interrelationship between theory and design as exemplified in various

historical periods and places.

3. Interpret architectural language in relation to the development of Western architecture between Industrial

Revolution and post World War 2.

4. Differentiate the way in which many varied factors contribute to the development of form.

5. Compare how architects have used architectural language in various historical periods and places.

6. Analyze the broad issues which inform the development of architecture between Industrial Revolution and post

World War 2.

Project 1: Understanding Forces in Skeletal Structure



* To create an understanding of skeletal structure and its relevant structural components.

* To understand how a skeletal structure reacts under loading.

* To demonstrate a convincing understanding of how Skeletal Construction works.

* To be able to manipulate Skeletal Construction to solve an oblique Design problem.

* Apply construction system in design.

* Recognize the implication of construction systems in design.

* Analyse the issues of strength, stiffness and stability of structures including modes of structural systems, forces, stress and strain and laws of static.

Project 2 (40%): Solid and Surface Construction (Group/Individual)


• To create an understanding of solid structure and surface structure and its relevant structural 
• To understand how a solid structure and surface structure reacts under loading. 
• To demonstrate a convincing understanding of how Solid Construction and surface construction works. 
• To exploit the qualities inherent in Solid Construction and surface construction. 
• To be able to manipulate Solid Construction and surface construction to solve an oblique Design 




 Identifications of basic structural systems in construction 
• Compare solid and surface construction systems. 
• Differentiate solid and surface construction systems in terms of loads and forces acting on structural 
• Recognize and apply the implications of construction system in design. 
• Analyse the issues of strength, stiffness and stability of structures including modes of structural 
systems, forces, stress and strain and laws of static. 


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