Project 1: Alternative Construction Solutions
This is a group project whereby students employ and demonstrate the knowledge which they have gained in
Building Materials, Building Construction 1 and 2 as well as Building Structures. In this project each group is required
to choose one of the group members’ previous semester’s design projects. Then each group needs to propose the
alternative, more recent and complex construction systems that suit the local context, facilitated by appropriate
precedent studies. Finally, a complete documentation including a report and a set of working drawings of the
modified design shall be produced.
Objectives of Project
1. To encourage analytical and critical study of the principles, practices and details of construction technology
in the existing building.
2. To encourage students to explore alternative construction systems
3. To adapt and implement the alternative construction systems into the students’ design.
4. To develop the students’ skills in producing working drawings.
Learning Outcomes of this Project
1. Identify and collect relevant research data.
2. Explain a set of architectural and structural documentation.
3. Relate basic structural elements and structural principles in construction.
4. Analyse and document construction methods and materials
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Project 2 – Advanced Roof & Industrialised Building System
This project which consists of group and individual assessment components, predominantly relates to the topics of advanced roof construction, Industrialised Building System (IBS) as well as the embodied energy calculation. Prior to work on this project, students will be exposed with different types of advanced roof construction, IBS system and the calculation of embodied energy of different building materials in the classroom. This project consists of two parts. The first part is a group component where each group is required to conduct a case study of a building which was constructed using an advanced roof construction and IBS system, to understand the systems better. The second part is an individual component where each student has to apply the construction systems that have been studied to their own building design.
Objectives of Project
1. To develop students’ understanding in the advanced roof and different types of IBS construction method.
2. To apply appropriate roof system and IBS construction method in their own design.
3. To demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of advanced roof and IBS construction process.
4. To develop students’ understanding in matters related to energy efficiency and ecological impact.
5. To foster good communication skills among group members through proper delegation of works and also a proper academic report.
Learning Outcomes of this Project
1. Identify and collect relevant research data.
2. Evaluate existing construction system and detailing of the selected project.
3. Critique issues pertaining to construction principles, materials, techniques, process of assembly and detailing.
4. Critique issues pertaining to energy efficiency, embodied energy as well as ecological impact.
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